Cloud Office

We can show you how to leverage the cloud to make your business faster, more efficient and "always on".
ThinkLever Cloud Office delivers all the technology you need to run an entire business.
Email, Secure File Storage, Data Backup, & Network Security.
All supported, monitored, & managed by our team of cloud professionals.

ThinkLever Cloud DataSafe
- 256bit AES Encryption
- Works with
- Automatic Backup
- Automatic Syncronization of Files Across Locations
- On-Premise, Full Cloud or Hybrid
- Works with Servers & Workstations
- Large File Support
- File Versioning
- Automatic Compression and De-duplication

ThinkLever Cloud Email & Collaboration
- Large Mailboxes from 30GB up to Unlimited
- Works with Andriod & iOS
- Works with Outlook, Mac Mail, & Browser
- Data Loss Prevention (Stop Leaks of Sensetive Data)
- Remote Device Wipe
- Unlimited Disrtibution Groups
- Data Vault (Deletion Prevention & Full Audit Trail)
- Profesionally Monitored, Managed, & Maintained

ThinkLever Web Filtering
- Prevent Access to Inappropriate or "Time Wasting" Websites
- Flexible, location-aware policies with an unlimited number of custom block or allow lists
- 60 different categories of web filtering covering millions of domains and billions of websites ensure your network is totally protected
- Custom Whitelist / Blacklist - Allow or disallow any website
- Block Page Bypass - An innovative way to allow special access to bypass filters if needed

ThinkLever Network Protection
- Predictively block access to malicious Internet hosts
- Protection From Malware, Viruses, Botnets, & RansomeWare
- Stops malware-infected devices on your network from "phoning home" for new updates or command
- Profesionally Monitored, Managed, & Maintained